Saturday 31 October 2009

Study-trip to Manchester, 29/10

It didn't rain and I felt rejuvenated by getting out of town after four months of routine routes around NTU central.
The Imperial War Museum North was a fantastic experience. The building and entire concept of the institution is a work of Art bearing a great anti-war statement through-out. I was completely overwhelmed by the inclined tower and the view through the inclined iron grid. The world looks very un-balanced from that point on. Even the ManU football club looks like a relative issue from up there. I sort of realize now how come the Japanese have so developed architectural shapes in their cities... They are now in the grandest aftermath of war, are they not?
In a sense, this museum is Art's war with War and I can't but feel awe and respect towards it.
Urbis made me realize that I am older than a thing that already belongs to history, British Hip Hop culture. That is as terrifying as the inclined iron grid.
Magma is a design bookshop, something that Nottingham lacks so far and I payed homage there before ending in Hard Rock Cafe for dinner with Stuart and my class-mates.
Manchester itself as a city is unexpectedly gorgeous. It is astonishing, with shapes and forms and colors and people who are livelier than people in smaller towns but not in constant battle with stress like in the capitol. I guess they have their own private issues to resolve and businesses-sponsored free-press is thriving, but in general I felt quite welcome and comfortable. For a day.

Just as an after-thought, Graphic Design has different essenses, depending on geography and population numbers. I think that the more the people around, the more it turns to Advertisement and the less the people, the more it turns to Scholarship. But the more the Advertisement, the greater the issues due to competition...

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