Wednesday 9 December 2009

7 Dec 09 PGC presentation

I am here.
This is the present.
Here is the plan.
This is the story since September, in visuals.

And here are some afterthoughts in words:

It seems like I have to start working on a manifesto for the next phase. I have to try laying out a comprehensive, linear narrative to be able to communicate my project. So. I have to develop manifesto skills, as well.

Why not?...:

We have finally established trusting each other. We have shared our great plans, our confusion and our fears. We are a little community of little designers that help each other to make their little dreams come true. These little dreams are the way forward and no-one else has them quite the same way we do. It's up to each one of us to make the most out of this community and the most out of our dreams. If anyone fails it will hurt us all. If anyone succeeds it will make us proud. If we all succeed we will have made a significant change towards a greater progress. Change starts from within. It has actually started already. We can do it.

Tuesday 1 December 2009

PGC term reflective summary report

When applying for a MA programme in Art&Design at NTU, we make an initial project proposal. I take it this is to show our point of interest in research and the level of dedication to the subject that we are going to become masters of. In my case, MA Branding and Identity Design, my initial proposal was entitled "Defective Branding - An investigation into the negative effects of branding". It was fairly clear in my head at that early stage and I was looking forward to making a really evil brand and having fun with finding how to do it. The idea was to find a way of raising public awareness towards a socially responsible, ethical and non-consumerist lifestyle.

Three months and a lot of contextual reviewing and confusion later, I have decided that an evil brand would not be doing anyone any good, as the world is already packed with such brands. Let us be socially responsible for once, let us do something good for the greater benefit. Branding is a very dangerous kind of tool. The kind that needs to be handled by adults or with adult supervision. It has to be used responsibly. So, I've decided to find a way to use Branding and Brand Communication Design to promote a better lifestyle, one that is socially responsible, ethical and non-consumerist. Like an adult should. On reflection, it doesn't sound very different from the start, which is quite reassuring. But it was only a few days before handing in my Learning Agreement, that I have been able to phrase the correct question and justify my research in academic context.