Saturday, 31 October 2009

Happy Halloween!

Enough with preliminary matters, I think. If you are being entertained by my writings you can find more if you look around in the Internet. This blog is the place where I deal with my MA and from now on it is going to be about my project, exclusively.

I started it off with the title "Defective Branding" last summer, but since then the project has developed its own will and opinion and it is now calling itself "NO BRAND" in reference to Naomi Klein's work entitled "NO LOGO".

When it was at the stage of being presented as a proposal to the rest of NTU MA GD 2009-10, it was called "Resistance is futile", quoting STAR TREK's Generations' "Borg" episodes and movie.

However, there is a documentary on Google movies entitled "No Logo - Brands, Globalization & Resistance" where Naomi Klein herself introduces her book and I recommend that you ought to watch it before attempting to comprehend myself any further, at this early stage of the project, unless you are already familiar with "No Logo". Hopefully I will eventually be a lot more comprehensible too, in a few weeks from now.

Following are the visuals of that presentation for the journal. It's a project proposal so please forgive the lack of references for some of the individual pictures. I used Google images search to find them in a sort of rush for mood-board purposes and I lost track of their home sites. I'm not forgiving myself for it so it won't be happening again. If there is any offense issue relating to this, please contact me and I will delete these visuals asap.

A further introductory presentation on the subject is currently being prepared.

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